Timber – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2000
Review by Steve Bennett
A character comic who's unusual to say the least. A self-styled Scottish Marilyn Manson, Timber comes on stage bare chested, wearing leather trousers and a leopardskin coat, to the strains of Iggy Pop before launching his routine on being a gay, junkie Glaswegian glam rock fan. As comic Brendan Burns said when he had to follow Timber: "What that guy needs is an angle."
Actually, the subject matter can be limiting. He doesn't have many experiences in common with a middle-class comedy audience and sometimes the routine flags as he retreads the same ground. Having said that, though, it can hit the mark wonderfully and produce some fine laughs. A comedy oddity, for sure.
Review date: 1 Aug 2000
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett