The Raspyni Brothers
Note: This review is from 2000
Review by Steve Bennett
Their show will take you on an unlimited journey of possibility" promises the blurb for the Raspyni Brothers.
No it won't. They're jugglers. They throw things in a complicated way, then everyone goes home.
Their stunts are ambitious, sometimes apparently too ambitious, and the comedy in the show comes from the sarcastic backchat one fast-talking 'brother' gives while his partner struggles to get it right.
While this is entertaining in small doses, an hour or longer of the same spiel quickly becomes tiresome. It's not for nothing that juggling is usually confined to variety shows or short busking routines.
Having said that, this American pair are obviously highly talented, and pull off impressive balancing and juggling tricks you won't have seen before. In the end, they always do pull off that impossible-looking stunt. Which is very good news if you were selected for a little audience participation.
See them and be impressed but only if you fancy a break from comedy.
Review date: 1 Jan 2000
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett