Oooh, his kecks are on fire...
How Jo Brand got revenge on an awful ex
Jo Brand has revealed how she got revenge on an ex who treated her badly – by having a bonfire of his underwear.
‘I went out with this guy for a while who was a millionaire who treated me really badly,’ she told Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe on their Lockdown Parenting Hell podcast.
‘So I broke into this house when he was on holiday through the dog-flap – I was quite thin then – and I stole all his pants and burnt them in his garden on a big bonfire.’
The comedian said her own wild youth meant she could never reprimand her two teenage daughters too badly.
‘They’ve never done anything as bad as I did,’ she told her fellow comics. ‘I took every single drug under the sun, a lot. And I used to hitchhike a lot on my own.’
Published: 3 Sep 2020