James Corden: I spanked Donald Trump
Revelation to Stephen Colbert
He’s already dogged by reports that he had a hushed-up extra-marital affair with the porn star Stormy Daniels – now Donald Trump must contend with a spank-and-tell story from James Corden.
The Gavin and Stacey creator has revealed that he indulged in the bottom-slapping slapstick when he starred in the Tony Award-winning play One Man, Two Guvnors in 2012 on Broadway.
He would routinely drag audience members up on stage during the performance, so the temptation was too great when he heard a rumour that Trump and his wife Melania would be in the crowd that night.
'We'd had loads of great people come to see the show, you know, Gene Wilder, Steve Martin ... people you could never ever bring them up on stage,' he told Stephen Colbert on his Late Show. 'It really could be seen as disrespectful!
'But then Trump, we were like ... half the audience don't like him anyway. We can either win with everyone or win with half of them.'
So after gauging the audience, 'I brought him up on stage and I spanked him – which I retrospectively realise now he must have really enjoyed.
'He had to move this trunk around and I said "this, what you are about to do is manual labour, you normally get other people to do that."’
After the show, Corden asked the stage manager what Trump was like backstage while waiting to go back to his seat.
The manager responded: 'Do you know what? It was like he thought he was the President of the United States. He went around shaking everyone's hand – not in a "lovely to meet you" [way] but in a "this is a big deal for you."'
Here's a clip of Corden sharing the story:
Published: 24 Jan 2018