Lost Show Guy
Voiceless comic cancels shows after contracting pneumonia
Lee Ridley, the comic known as Lost Voice Guy, had to cancel his last ten days of shows at the Edinburgh Fringe after contracting pneumonia.
The stand-up – who lost his voice to cerebral palsy as a baby – is still in the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary after being admitted on August 18.
He tweeted: ‘Fairly sure I’m the only comedian at #EdFringe who STILL isn’t allowed to leave the city!’
Ridley, 32, has been inundated with gifts and cards from other Fringe performers and staff while in the hospital, saying the response proved that Edinburgh ‘is the best place to be during August’.
He has kept his sense of humour during his hospitalisation, reporting: ‘Doctor just told me he enjoyed my stand up last week while stabbing me with a needle.
And when he was admitted he tweeted: ‘At the hospital. The only place that isn’t an #EdFringe venue. Yet.’
He has spent most of his time in hospital being fed by tube, and has only just been allowed to eat and drink for himself.
Ridley performs his comedy via an iPad app, and received good reviews for his show, A Voice Of Choice, at the Stand.
He said: ‘Yes, I do find it ironic that my disability has stopped me doing a show about doing stand-up despite my disability!’
Published: 27 Aug 2013