Billy Crystal to play a comedian
TV pilot set in a sketch show
Billy Crystal is to star in a new sitcom called The Comedians.
He will play a veteran stand-up paired with a ‘younger and edgier’ performer on a late-night sketch show.
Larry Charles, who wrote for Seinfeld and directed Sacha Baron Cohen in Borat, Bruno and The Dictator, will be behind the camera.
America’s FX channel has given the green light to a pilot, to be shot this summer. The broadcaster’s John Landgraf said: ‘It truly is an honor to be in business with Billy Crystal and Larry Charles, two of the all-time greats in comedy.’
It is based on a Swedish show of the same name, and follows the success of NBC’s 30 Rock – also based around a late-night sketch show.
Published: 23 May 2013