Comedy Central in Michael Clarke Duncan gaffe
'His career never took off'
Comedy Central has apologised after saying that Michael Clarke Duncan’s career never ‘took off’ – just two days after he died.
Some viewers said the on-air comments, made by a continuity announcer were ‘disgusting’ and ‘disrespectful’.
They came last night after the digital channel aired an episode of the Charlie Sheen sitcom Two And A Half Men in which Duncan appeared as a guest star.
The voiceover – recorded before the actor died following a heart attack on Monday at the age of 54 – said that his career hadn’t gone anywhere after he starred in Green Mile.
Many viewers took to Twitter to point out the error, many unaware the announcement had been prerecorded. One said: ‘Cannot believe the pratt on @comedycentraluk just said #MichaelClarkDuncans career never really took off. She clearly lives under a rock’
Another said: ‘The announcers comments about Michael Clarke Duncan after the two & a half men episode were disgusting & disrespectful.’
Comedy Central tweeted back to all those who pointed out the error: ‘Sorry about that, it was an oversight on our part. We'll have it sorted pronto.’
And today marketing director Bill Griffin reiterated: 'We are very sorry for the insensitive comment made during our continuity yesterday evening about Michael Clarke Duncan. This was pre-recorded in advance of Mr. Duncan's untimely death but should not have been said at all.'
'We have taken immediate action to prevent this from happening in the future.'
The channel showed Duncan’s 2008 episode The Mooch at the Boo four times yesterday. In in, Duncan plays Charlie Sheen’s neighbour Jerome, a former NFL football player.
Published: 6 Sep 2012