E4 extends its PhoneShop contract
Series three ordered
E4 has commissioned a third series of PhoneShop, with six more episodes to go out at the end of the year.
The comedy – which began life as a Comedy Showcase pilot in 2009 – completed its second run just before Christmas.
That series started with a modest 193,00 viewers for its first airing, but boosted by 127,000 on E4+1. The figure was down on the first series, which averaged 739,000 viewers across its six episodes.
Phil Bowker, who wrote, produced and directed the series, said: ‘We are genuinely delighted that we're going to get to work with the good people at E4 again this year.
‘PhoneShop is something I care deeply about and it's incredible (and rare) to be able to nurture and grow it in the company of people who have an unparalleled enthusiasm and understanding of your show.’
The comedy is made by FremantleMedia's Retort production house and stars Tom Bennett, Andrew Brooke, Emma Fryer, Javone Prince and Martin Trenaman with occasional cameos from Fonejacker’s Kayvan Novak as the area manager.
Published: 9 Feb 2012