Golden Globes boss: 'Gervais scored'
Third time's a charm for Ricky
Golden Globes bosses say they would welcome Ricky Gervais as host for another year, after declaring his work last night a hit.
But the comic, who apparently caused some upset with his jibes at Hollywood stars last year, said three times was enough.
NBC executive Paul Telegdy said after last night's ceremony: 'I think he scored. He came out, he was himself, he had a great time and he was backed by the biggest stars. I laughed heartily throughout.
'We would welcome him back. He is a gentleman and a scholar, I was greatly impressed by him as a host and have totally enjoyed working with him
But in an interview after the show, Gervais – who described himself as 'Britain's biggest comedian' in his opening speech – said: 'The crowd was with me this time. They went where I went. It’s like they were ready for me this time and it felt pitch-perfect.
But he told Deadline he wouldn't be back, adding: 'I’m really done this time. It’s enough. Three is plenty'
In his monologue, Gervais joked that organisers had warned him that were he to insult anyone or offend any viewers 'they will definitely invite me back next year as well'.
He did let slip an expletive, but said censors new it was coming so they could use the five-second delay to bleep it out of the TV broadcast. Introducing Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek, he said: 'They're ridiculously gorgeous specimens, they're extremely talented and probably very interesting. I'm not sure,I couldn't understand a fucking word they said.'
He also introduced Madonna 'just like a virgin' and coughed to suggest he might just have been being sarcastic. Most the A-listers in the audience seemed to take his jokes in good spirits, but Sir Elton John looked particularly stony-faced in one TV cutaway shot.
Modern Family was named best comedy series at the ceremony, while Matt LeBlanc won the best actor in a comedy for his role in the BBC co-production Episodes.
Some of Gervais's jokes:
- The Golden Globes are to the Oscars, what Kim Kardashian is to Kate Middleton - a bit louder, a bit trashier, a bit drunker and more easily bought - allegedly.
- Who needs the Oscars? Not me, and not Eddie Murphy. He walked out on them, he said no, and good for him. But when the man who said yes to Norbit says no to you, you know you're in trouble.
- Of Kardashian's short-lived marriage to Kris Humphries, he said: 'A marriage that lasted 72 days? I’ve sat through longer James Cameron acceptance speeches.'
- 'Justin Bieber nearly had to take a paternity test. What a waste of a test that would have been. No, he’s not the father. The only way he could impregante a girl was if he borrowed one of Martha Stewart‘s turkey basters.'
- I mustn't mention Mel Gibson this year. Not his private life, his politics, his recent films or especially not Jodie Foster's Beaver. I haven't seen it myself. I've spoken to a lot of guys - they haven't seen it either but that doesn't mean it's not any good.
Here's the full monologue:
Published: 16 Jan 2012