'I saw Pudsey the Bear get into a fight...'
WTF: Weekly Trivia File
- Miranda Hart says female comedians are judged on their looks and their weight in a way male comics are not. Try telling that to Michael McIntyre, who has been barracked over his ‘spare tyre’ at the Britain’s Got Talent auditions. Some in the audience even gave him a new nickname, holding up a banner reading: ‘We Love You Michael McTyre.’
- Has Ricky Gervais gone totally Hollywood? He is said to have spent more than £200 on face cream ahead of his Golden Globes appearance, snapping up two bottles if the $175-a-pop Immunocologie Line Smoothing Treatment Serum in New York.
- Matt Lucas is apparently house-hunting in Los Angeles to escape the British weather. ‘It gets very cold in the UK and, in case you’ve not noticed, I’m bald,’ he said
- Welsh stand-up Steve Williams says his career lowlight was being offered a job to dress as Darth Vader promoting a 2-for-1 drinks offer outside a nightclub in Newport. ‘I turned it down after seeing Pudsy the Bear get into a fight,’ he said. ‘If they don’t respect charity figures what chance has the Lord of the Death Star got?’
- Jack Whitehall is said to have been dating model Kelly Brook ‘for a few months’. The pair left the Cosmo awards together in November, which is apparently when their romance started,
- An American comic called Jay Smith has something of a fight on his hands
- Rufus Hound and his wife Beth are expecting another baby. He posted the news on Twitter along with an image taken at their first scan, tweeting: ‘Obviously, I'm hoping it's a) mine b) a cool wolf. Obviously we're chuffed to bits.’ The couple already have a three-year-old boy.
- Meanwhile, Jason Manford’s wife Catherine gave birth to their third child over Christmas – a hefty 9lbs 6oz girl.
- Stephen K Amos missed his own twin sister’s wedding – even though he was supposed to be best man. ‘The week before the wedding, I had been working incredibly hard and getting up at six every morning to make my TV series,’ he explains. ‘But on the morning of the wedding, I pressed the snooze button on my alarm and overslept. I was mortified. I missed the wedding – and got to the reception just in time to see my mum reading out bits from my 1982 diary, much to the hilarity of everyone in the room.’ Amos now quotes the diary in his live show – describing such incidents as when he asked his mum for a pair of Adidas trainers and she returned from the market with a £3 pair with ‘Abibas’ on the side.
- Tweets of the week:
@BretEastonEllis: Just read somewhere that the massive bird deaths all over the world were caused by angry pigs.
@jacques_aih: I don't trust Dannii Minogue. Her i's are too close together
@TwopTwips (via @ivingdane): WOMEN. Prevent your husband from reading your emails by renaming your Inbox “Instruction Manuals".
SOURCES: Unreality TV, US magazine, Mail on Sunday, Comedy Central, YouTube, Twitter, The Sun, The Star, Chortle, Twitter
Published: 14 Jan 2011