Hooray for ribald British comedy
Seth Green on the 'puritanical' Americans
British comedy has an edge over the Americans because we’re less puritanical, Family Guy star Seth Green has claimed.
The comic actor, who also played Dr Evil’s son Scott in the Austin Powers films, says the British attitude means comedians can be rude while maintaining an air of innocence that would not be possible in his native States.
In an interview to promote Family Guy, on which he plays son Chris, Green said: ‘In the UK, the comedy over there is so much more advanced in its rudeness and yet innocent in its portrayal.
‘There's this sense in the UK that everyone has a bit of folly in their youth. You might see a girl on Page 3 and then she's meant to become respectable at a point in her life.
‘I think that that allows for a more ribald kind of humour on television because no one takes it so seriously, whereas we're more puritanical in the States.
‘The notion of topless women or swearing on television is so offensive [here] because it's implied that it will literally crumble the structure of our family values. I just find that to be so funny.’
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Published: 6 Oct 2010