O'Neal barred from Canada
Was 24-year-old conviction the reason?
Canadian border guards have stopped American comedian Patrice O’Neal from performing at the Montreal comedy festival – apparently because of a statutory rape conviction 24 years ago.
His sold-out, week-long run as part of the Just For Laughs festival's Zoofest programme was cancelled after he was turned away at the border yesterday.
It is believed to be related to his conviction for statutory rape, when he had a sexual encounter with a 15-year-old girl – when he was just 16 himself. He served a three-month sentence.
The Boston-born comic, now 40, Twittered: ‘I shoulda been in Montreal on Saturday nite, Canadian border police thought otherwise. I now know I can drive 12hrs straight if needed.’
But he made only a coded reference to the reason why, saying: ‘For anyone who heard me talk about it. Yes for that.’
O’Neal apparently told the Opie and Anthony radio show that the rape charge was the reason for being refused entry into Canada, even though he has played there several times before, including a run at the 2008 Just For Laughs festival.
The broadcasters then played their listeners an old interview with the comic in which he talked about that experience. Click here to listen.
O’Neal spent several years in Britain, up until 2002, learning his craft.
Published: 14 Jul 2010