‘The sooner England are out the better’
WTF: Weekly Trivia File
- 'No matter what anyone says, everybody hates the Fringe.’ Shazia Mirza’s clearly looking forward to August with her usual joie de vivre...
- Not everyone will be cheering on England against Germany on Sunday. Radio 4's Jo Caulfield, (pictured) may have spent almost all of her life in England, but she's not forgot her Irish roots. ‘The sooner they’re knocked out the better,' she says of England. 'All this “We can win it” is terrible.’
- Jerry Seinfeld has been railing against Lada Gaga, who was moved – without his knowledge – into his empty private box at the ? after giving paparazzi the finger. He said: ‘This woman is a jerk. I hate her I can't believe they put her in my box, which I paid for. "You give people the finger and you get upgraded? Is that the world we're living in now? I don't know what these young people think or how they promote their careers... I'm not one of these all-publicity-is-good people. People talk about you need exposure - you could die of exposure. Get an act.’ Could he be joking? It’s hard to be certain in the actual interview.
- In the Los Angeles Times review of The Infidel today, Omid Djalili is dubbed the ‘Weeble-shaped UK comedian’.
- Chris Rock was left gobsmacked when an uncle asked him to help pay for an apartment in New York – a city even the comic himself finds out of his price range. ‘One of my uncles called me up for money because he was losing his apartment in the city and I was like, ‘Yo man, I don’t have an apartment in the city! I live in Jersey!” To live like a rich person in the city, you gotta spend like $20 million.’
- A comic called Mark Volner posted this clip on YouTube under the heading: How To Handle A Heckler. The answer, it seems, is simply to be racist:
There's more of his comic gold here.
- One girl threw her knickers at Russell Brand at the Dublin premiere of his new film Get Him To The Greek.
- The 24hr clock proved too complex for baffled American stand-up Lewis Schaffer, who entered his show into the Edinburgh Fringe programme as 17.30, when he meant 7.30pm.
- Patton Oswald Tweets: ‘The internet needs an "Unsee" feature.’
SOURCES: Spoonfed, Galway Advertiser, WFAN radio, LA Times, Ace Showbiz, YouTube, Daily Mail, Chortle, Twitter
Published: 25 Jun 2010