Comedy on demand...
Mark Watson's fans tell him where to go
Mark Watson has vowed to change his forthcoming tour schedule to fit the suggestions of his fans.
He says will add two or three extra ‘request stop’ dates early next year based on suggestions he receives via Twitter.
He said: ‘This has been done before by a band I think (can’t remember who), but possibly not by a comedian.’
Watson has already added two dates in Norwich after disappointed fans complained he wasn’t playing near them – and is now actively soliciting more suggestions.
He wrote on his blog: ‘You can nominate a town or an area or even a specific theatre. You could even in theory nominate your house, school, prison or secure unit. However, I have to feed my family so I will probably be looking for capacities of more than 100. And less than 2,000.
‘Priority will be given to places which convincingly make a case that they’re overlooked geographically, but it’s not all about that. I might choose one or more of the places just because I’ve never been there and they sound nice. S
‘Oh, one other thing: you need to be fairly confident not just that you are really keen to see a show in this place, but that it would sell well. The point of the exercise is to do justice to keen but under-comedied places. So if you can quote evidence of successful comedy shows there in the past, or prove that, for example, there is a statue of me in the town, that will help.’
Read his blog here for more details.
Published: 17 Jun 2010