This show is smokin'....
Fire alarm forces club on to the streets
Comedians continued their stand-up show in the streets of Brighton last night, after their venue was evacuated because of a fire alarm.
They had been performing a fringe festival show in the city’s Quadrant pub when someone triggered the alert after noticing a burning smell.
As the pub emptied, promoter Alex Petty grabbed the microphone and stand so the show could continue outside.
Compere Sajeela Kershi continued the Laughing Horse ‘pick of the fringe’ show on the pavement in the rain, along with performers including Bob Slayer, Jem Brookes and visiting American act Sandra Risser.
Petty said: ‘If all of these people can come along up to watch the show on a wet and windy Sunday night, then the least they deserve is not to have the show cut short by the inconvenience of a fire.
‘The show continued to the amusement of the now-relocated audience, and also to many random passers-by who were intrigued as to why there were there were comedians telling jokes outside a pub, in front of a fire engine.’
And he admitted that the microphone was not plugged into anything outside – but was simply used as a prop, so the comics would feel like they were performing a proper show.
To help with the emergency situation, comedian Bob Slayer tried to line-up the male members of the audience alongside the building, ready to pee on it should the fire get out of hand.
The show was allowed to continue after 45 minutes outside, after the East Sussex fire brigade had given the all-clear. It appears the alarm was raised because of smoke coming from a neighbouring building.
It is not the first time a comedy show has continued in the street because of a fire alarm. Edinburgh’s Gilded Balloon has a notoriously sensitive system, leading comics such as Stephen K Amos to conclude their Fringe shows outside.
Published: 17 May 2010