David Walliams sells his body
It's the Weekly Trivia File
- Will Russell Brand's reputation ever recover? His co-star in Get Me To The Greek, Jonah Hill has said the comic is 'a good influence'.
- It's unlike Sacha Baron Cohen to cause offence, we know. But just before his stunt with Eminem last weekend, he joked about Susan Boyle: 'Is that the one she looks like she had a terrible accident. I hope she gets better soon.' He couldn't have known that Boyle was admitted to the Priory with mental health problems just a few hours earlier...
- Want a lap-dance from David Walliams? Guests at a swanky fundraiser for the Raisa Gorbachev Foundation and Marie Curie Cancer Care in Hampton Court tomorrow night will be able to bid for the experience – and since those who have RSVPed include JK Rowling, Boris Johnson, Emma Watson and Mark Ronson, it could make for quite a spectacle.
- As details of the Edinburgh Fringe start to emerge, here's one show you might like to avoid: Nob Stewart. He just seems to be a random Scottish guy who can't get time on stage at any of the nation's comedy clubs - but he won't let lack of experience stop him going to go on stage for an hour every day of the festival and just talk, without the tiresome bother of writing any material. Could the Laughing Horse Free Festival's lets-give-a-show-to-just-about-anyone-who-asks policy possibly backfire?
- Without a sponsor, it looked for a while as if the newly-rebranded Edinburgh Comedy Awards might not go ahead. But it's not a problem organisers of the run-on-a-shoestring Malcolm Hardee Award for 'comic originality of thought or performance' will have. They've had the next 17 years worth of award trophies already made...
- Australian-based Irish comic Jimeoin dashed off stage on the last night of the Carlsberg Cat Laughs festival in Kilkenny on Monday night after delivering just one joke. He said he was feeling sick and then dashed off to throw up. Sunstroke may have been to blame. Yes, in Ireland.
- Michael McIntyre not only admits to Googling his own name, but adds: ‘I’ve gone through the dark days where I Googled the misspellings of my name to see what people who couldn’t quite spell my name thought of me.’
- James Corden and Jack Black gave a rendition of Gold Digger at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards, after Kanye West pulled out.
SOURCES: Mirror, Press Association, Marie Curie Cancer Care, blip.tv, Chortle, Chortle, Metro, HolyMoly
Published: 5 Jun 2009