I'll sue over Al's jibes
Builder's threat to Pub Landlord
A builder is threatening to sue Al Murray after the Pub Landlord mocked him on stage.
Malcolm Snape has been locked in a dispute with Murray over an extension at his house in Chiswick, West London, six years ago, but the comedian reportedly brought the fight into the public arena by naming Snipe in his stand-up show in Preston last week.
Snape, who is from the Lancashire town, says: ‘He actually asked the audience, “Does anyone know Malcolm Snape because he ripped me off for £20,000”.
The builder denies doing anything wrong and said: ‘It never was funny but it is getting to the stage now where I’m getting sick of it. He told 2,000 people at his show that I conned him. It is damaging for my reputation.
‘He has been a constant nuisance. With the money he has why does he not just get on with his life? I didn’t rip him off and he has never taken legal action against me that would indicate he thought I had.’
Snape also claims that a dodgy builder character, called Bill Preston, which the comedian created for his ITV1 sketch show Al Murray's Multiple Personality Disorder is modelled on him.
‘It’s a bit of a coincidence that my middle name is William and I am from Preston,’ the 52-year-old father of two said. ‘Of course I can't prove this is another dig at me, but it seems a bit much to be coincidence.
Snapes said he has contacted solicitors to see what action can be taken, but Murray’s spokesmen have not yet received any legal correspondence, and would make no further comment.
Published: 11 Apr 2009