It's Doug Nohope
Stanhope quits Presidental race
Comic Doug Stanhope has dropped out of the race to become the next American president.
The stand-up had hoped to stand for the Libertarian Party in next year’s election, using his fan base and live gigs to canvass for votes.
However, he has fallen foul of election law that would have prohibited him from campaigning while being paid for the shows.
On his website, Stanhope wrote: ‘For all of our false optimism, forced enthusiasm and the tireless effort of a small team of close friends, we couldn't get past the wall of bureaucracy.’
‘The system is set up to keep the two-party monopoly as free from competition as possible.
‘The other problem was simply in making the whole thing fun. The more rules, paperwork and bullshit we'd run into the less creative and funny it was becoming.
‘Our intention in this campaign was to try to get media attention for the Libertarian Party and we have no intention of giving up that campaign. It's frustrating to see this country bordering on totalitarianism and having viable options like the Libertarians completely blacked out.’
He also apologised for the fan who had ‘Stanhope 08’ tattooed onto her shoulder in support of the campaign, which wanted an end to drug laws and the Iraq war and to reduce the powers of the State.
Stanhope added: ‘My deepest thanks to all who went out of your way for this truncated attempt at giving the whole system the finger. We still intend to say "Fuck You" loudly and repeatedly. We'll just have to find more unique, exciting and unregulated ways to do it.’
Published: 4 May 2007