Blue blazes
Fire destroys movie church
The church where James Brown preached in The Blues Brothers has been destroyed by fire.
Firefighters had to smash in eight stained-glass windows to tackle the blaze at the Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago last week.
The sanctuary there was so badly damaged that it cannot be used fro at least six months and a classic Hammond organ, of a type no longer made, has been taken away t see if it can be salvaged.
It is thought the fire was started by an electrical fault.
In the 1980 comedy, the church was referred to as the Triple Rock Church. Filmmakers took exterior shots and then recreated the interior on a set in Hollywood.
Brown sings a spirited rendition of The Old Landmark in the film version of the church, causing John Belushi’s Jake to see the light and decide to reform his band.
Click here to watch the scene.
Published: 25 Sep 2006