Eddie needs you
Judges needed for revamped Perrier
The new successor to the Perrier award is looking for comedy fans to join the panel.
Organisers of the newly renamed if.comeddie awards want one punter from Scotland and two from the rest of the UK to help find the best Edinburgh Fringe shows.
Judges will be accommodated in the Scottish capital for the duration of the festival, with travel expenses paid, and expected to watch and comment on around half a dozen shows a day.
Award organisers are running competitions to find these panellists via the official Fringe website, for Scots who have lived north of the border for at least a decade, and in The Times for the rest of the country.
Entrants must write about 350 about themselves and why they would be the best candidate for the job, plus two reviews on the best comedy gigs they’ve seen in the past year.
The competition closes on July 7, and shortlisted candidates – who cannot be connected to the comedy industry - will be asked to attend an interview.
To apply, email panellist@if.commeddies.com stating whether you are entering the Times or edfringe.com contest.
Published: 27 Jun 2006