Not for Little ears
School 'ban' on Lucas and Walliams
A Kent primary school has asked parents to ban children from watching Little Britain after the show’s catchphrases were repeated in the playground.
In a newsletter, headteacher Lynne Hargreaves, headmistress, said parts of the programme ‘may not be suitable for children’.
And she urged parents at Hildenborough Church of England Primary School in Tonbridge to respect the 9pm watershed.
Her letter said: ‘Discussions heard [in the playground] are not ones we feel should enter our school culture.
’I have had staff up in arms, not only because they felt the content of last night's viewing was close to the edge, but also because a number of children watched this after the watershed and were full of it.
‘I know it is difficult. Even the merchandise is geared to children, but it is one more thing that does not help us maintain the standards we know you both expect and welcome from us
Last month, a Radio Times poll estimated that around 280,000 children aged ten to 15 watch Little Britain - which has a 15 rating on DVD
Star David Walliams said the series was ‘not meant’ for children ‘but it's great that they love it’.
One parent at the school, a Mr Richardson, told BBC News: ‘I think Little Britain is just so over the top and so funny that, although it is aimed at adults, there are some slapstick elements which don't go over an eight-year-old's head. I keep the remote control handy for really saucy bits.’
Published: 17 Dec 2005