Dumb and dumber Win Bushisms DVD
Win Bushisms DVD
It’s a truth universally accepted that President Bush is a moron with the IQ of a slightly backward chimp.
That might not be exactly fair, but it is reasonable to say that public speaking is not always Dubya’s strong point, as many a hack comedian has pointed out.
Well, now some of his more memorable faux pas have been collected on a new DVD, including such gems as’It’s clearly a budget – it’s got a lot of numbers in it,’ and ‘rarely is the question asked: is out children learning’.
And should you wish to remind yourself of the mental capacity of the world’s most powerful man – or, indeed, be one of those hack comedians searching for new material – we have six copies of the new DVD to give away.
It’s hosted by US comic Brian Unger and released by Prism Lesiure for £9.99 – including an 80-page book.
But to win a copy just complete the following Bushism by July 25, when we will be selecting the winners at random from all correct answers received.
Good luck!
Published: 11 Jul 2005