Cold Feet star's driving ban
Thomson admits drink-driving
Cold Feet star John Thomson has been banned from driving for three years after admitting drink driving.
The comic was more than twice the drink-drive limit when police stopped his Jaguar in Manchester last year.
Magistrates also gave the 33-year-old a 12-month rehabilitation order and warned the actor he would face a prison sentence if he flouted the driving ban.
Thompson, of Didsbury, Greater Manchester, committed a similar drink-driving offence in 1996 and speeding offences in 2000 and 2001,
Magistrates in Trafford warned the actor he would face a prison sentence if he flouted the driving ban.
The hearing heard that Thomson said "it's a fair cop" when officers breathalysed him, and found 87 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood - the legal limit is 35.
Thomson was also ordered to pay £60 court costs.
Published: 28 Aug 2002