Caught by the fuzz
Brand held after May Day strip
Comic turned MTV presenter Russell Brand has been detained by police after stripping naked at the May Day protests.
He reportedly performed his strip-tease in front of baying anti-capitalist protesters in London's Piccadilly Circus.
The 24-year-old was grabbed by police after he ripped off his T-shirt, jeans and underpants.
The host of MTV's Dance Floor Chart had previously teased officers by waving a vibrator at them.
Police released him after he put his clothes back on.
He said: "It was a moment of madness to show you can do something to change your life."
News website Ananova reports "He says he did it for a variety of reasons, mentioning 'ecological', 'Armageddon', and 'culture' without making a great deal of sense."
An MTV spokeswoman said: "Oh God. That sounds like Russell."
She added that his stunt will not affect his employment.
Published: 1 May 2002