Fringe first
The Stand launches its line-up
The Stand has become the first Edinburgh venue to launch its fringe programme.
The venue, the city's only permanent comedy club, will host 15 shows a day during the August festival.
Highlight is perhaps Simon Munnery performing an hour-long 'Unplugged' session every lunchtime.
It will be the first time in 15 festivals that the creator of Alan Parker: Urban Warrior and The League Against Tedium performs without machines or a character to hide behind.
The venue also showcases a new show The World Cup Is Not Enough from character comic Bob Doolally, a heavy-drinking football maaager.
And home-grown Scottish talent will be launching their solo shows, with new work from Susan Morrison, Bruce Devlin, David Kay, Sandy Nelson and Keara Murphy.
Plus there will be a weekly gay cabaret night, Oot On Tuesday. For The Stand's full fringe listings, click here.
The official fringe programme is not published until June 6
Copies can be ordered in advance on 0907 159 2002. Calls cost £1.50 a minute to cover postage and packing.
Published: 18 Apr 2002