Take it outside
Fire alarm forces club onto the streets
A comedy club took its show onto the streets of Liverpool last night after a fire alarm closed the venue.
The Kill For A Seat Club was in full flow at the city centre's Head of Steam pub when a fire alarm was triggered halfway through the open spot
The pub was evacuated, and compere Silky walked the 100-strong audience across the road to sit on the huge steps of St George's Hall.
When it became obvious there would be a lengthy delay, headline act Toby Foster (pictured above) started his show in the street.
After 40 minutes, the all clear was given, and Foster and the audience moved back inside to finish the evening off.
This was Toby's first gig back in Britain after a tour of the United Arab Emirates and China.
"It was great", he said, "The crowd were great, and really played along. The only problem we had was that there were no toilets, so coats had to be held round some of the girls to spare their blushes."
Foster is the compere for the MEN At Work topical show at The Comedy Store, Manchester, and The Last Laugh Comedy Club in Sheffield. He begins filming on Peter Kay's new series of Phoenix Nights for Channel 4 in the autumn.
Published: 30 Jul 2001