'I was running around a forest like a poor man’s Bear Grylls' | Johnny Vegas and Sian Gibson on Apocalypse Slough © UTKV

'I was running around a forest like a poor man’s Bear Grylls'

Johnny Vegas and Sian Gibson on Apocalypse Slough

Apocalypse Slough, the latest in the Murder They Hope series of comic whodunits, comes to Gold. Here stars Johhny Vegas and Sian Gibson talk about their roles...

Johnny Vegas is Terry

Vegas in Apocalypse Slough

What can you tell us about the plot of Apocalypse Slough?

It’s all about an apocalyptic cult facing the end of the world, and it involves a lot more people than Gemma and Terry realise, so it becomes a case of ‘trust nobody’

What was it like being back on set for another Murder, They Hope instalment?

It’s funny, we’ve done so many now that I’m always far more interested in what it’s like for the guest stars 

Every series I love meeting the amazing new cast, but then I just start wishing that we didn’t have to kill them all off! You’re almost afraid to make friends, I think I’ve started to keep them at arm’s length so it’s not as painful. 

Way back in the very first series, we killed Kevin Eldon off! That one hit us so hard that we were asking if he could have had a twin, just so we could bring him back.

How does Terry feel about Gemma’s new role at the Serious Crimes Agency and her newfound authority, especially since she now carries a gun?

Quite honestly, if I was given the freedom to explore my own character – I would say he’s afraid of her! He may voice his concerns sometimes but there’s a lot of eye rolling from Terry and he’s just asking for a quiet life.

As Gemma’s confidence is building in leaps and bounds, Terry is a little bit more reserved. His brain is always working on the crimes, but he is happy to let her take the lead. But the gun, he’s definitely not happy with!

Every time Terry thinks he knows where the land lies, Gemma gets more exuberant and pushes him that little bit further, but he absolutely loves the bones of her. 

There’s a lovely moment at the end of the show where you’ll see that although he looks like he’s not very bothered sometimes, he’s actually a very supportive guy who does absolutely adore the ground she walks on.

What was it like working with the guest stars?

It was lovely working with everyone! It was brilliant to watch Sanjeev Bhaskar work, and Matthew Kelly. Him and I did Bleak House together years ago, so it was like a reunion, he was a joy!

I love it because the whole cast, old and new, come in and they play it straight, they’re not afraid to embrace the farcical side of it.

It’s a bit like filming a Christmas party or a works do, that’s the way I see it – everyone cutting loose a little bit. It’s great to sit back, watch and learn from the new and the old, it’s lovely!

Vegas and Hadland on Apocalypse Slough

What do you love most about playing Terry?

This makes me sound lazy, but I love that it’s not too much of a stretch. I think by being lucky enough to have known Jason [Cook, the writer] for so long, he knows where my comic strengths lie and he can write for them. You can just turn up and enjoy it and fall into character so easily!

Why do you think people love Murder, They Hope?  

The feedback that we always get is that Terry and Gemma are loved, and people love trying to guess who is going to die next. Trying to figure out the murder mystery while laughing along  draws people in and I think people know they are in a safe pair of hands  - they trust in the brand, and also love to find out who is going to appear in the next series.

Jane Horrocks was in the previous special, Blood Actually, and I was such a fan of hers for so long - so meeting and working with her was great, and Anita Dobson was so funny! It’s a lovely surprise for us. 

That’s also what keeps it fresh as people want to see the varied cast. The young cast coming in put such an energy into it, and the old cast embrace that.

What do you think is next for Terry and Gemma?

I would ordinarily say couples counselling, but we’ve been there and that didn’t work out! I think Terry could really make a big push to get back on the open road, I think he misses the freedom of when they first met [running coach tours]. But if Gemma had her way it would be a full-blown detective agency. She wants to break an international case… whereas Terry would be comfortable catching a shoplifter

Sian in Apocalypse Slough

Sian Gibson is Gemma

What can you tell us about the plot of Apocalypse Slough?

Gemma has been recruited as an investigator at the Serious Crimes Agency and is loving her new responsibilities (and rubbing it in Terry’s face). 

When Gemma and Terry go to investigate two suspicious deaths at a local rugby club things are not what they seem…. 

Things go much darker than they’ve gone before in this special, and I don’t want to give too much away, but let's just say there's underground caves, doomsday clocks and Matthew Kelly doing jujitsu in a gas mask - what more do you want?

What was it like being back on set for another Murder, They Hope?

It’s always brilliant, I love this job. It’s honestly such an amazing atmosphere on and off set. Most of our crew return year after year and they help make it so much fun.

 As always, it’s a complete delight to be reunited with the writer Jason Cook, director Ed Bye, the beautiful and hilarious Sarah Hadland and obviously the absolute legend that is Johnny V. We’ve all become great friends, and we laugh all day. It’s not really work.

Gemma has finally achieved her dreams of becoming an investigator at the Serious Crime Agency. How was the gruelling training?

I don't know what Gemma thought, but I was absolutely knackered filming it, I’ll tell you that for nothing. Our director Ed Bye didn’t make it easy for me and I was scrabbling through army nets in the mud and running around a forest - like a poor man’s Bear Grylls. Not easy after three weeks of stuffing my face at the catering van on set like I was on an all- inclusive cruise.

Gemma is a little clumsy when it comes to her newly assigned gun. How are your firearm skills?

Funnily enough I have never been asked that question before, but like Gemma, I am also extremely clumsy, so imagine I would be equally as bad as she is. Although I’ve recently discovered I am very good at darts, so you never know.

(When I say very good, I mean way better than I thought I'd be - and I hit the board with every throw.)

Do you have a favourite scene you filmed from this special

Probably spending the day on an inflatable assault course. Need I say more?

Are there any funny behind-the-scenes moments you can share?

When you have a comedy cast like ours there’s always funny moments on set The gossip is off the scale. Too many funny highlights including impromptu dance routines, chocolate binges, Johnny falling asleep and Sarah Hadland getting stuck in a bush in her gigantic platforms.

What do you love most about playing Gemma?

Gemma is friendly, ambitious, kind and always optimistic (maybe a bit too much) but she also has a fiery temper that would make Joan Collins blush. 

She definitely wears the trousers in her relationship with Terry so it's great that I’m getting paid to boss Johnny Vegas about all day (in character, obviously!)

I also love Gemma's relationship with her bossy sister Monica and have great fun laughing and gossiping with Sarah Hadland over countless cups of tea all day.

Why do you think people love Murder, They Hope?  

Hopefully this show gives everyone some light relief and a bit of a laugh. It doesn't take itself too seriously, and after the rubbish couple of years we’ve all had I think it’s just what people need. 

Johnny and I are great friends in real life so I think/hope that chemistry comes through on screen. Johnny’s a brilliant actor, he makes every line seem so natural and can find the funny in anything. We know each other so well we know exactly what the other one is thinking with just a look - which can be very dangerous.

What unexpected skill do you have that would come in handy during an apocalypse? 

I can polish off a bag of Maltesers in under a minute, so hopefully that would come in handy.

What song would be your apocalypse survival anthem and why?

Edge of Heaven by Wham. Sounds apt, and seems as good a time as any to get a bit of George Michael out.

What can audiences expect from Apocalypse Slough?

There’s going to be lots more laughs, more drama and more horrific killing sprees, fun for all the family. I hope everyone enjoys watching it as much as we enjoyed making it.

Apocalypse Slough, a Murder They Hope Mystery is on Gold at 9pm on Thursday

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Published: 22 Sep 2024

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