Worth winning...

Harry's DVDs up for grabs

The first series veteran comedian Harry Worth made for ITV has been released on DVD – and we have six copies to give away.

The broadcaster scored a coup in luring the bumbling everyman away from the BBC for Thirty Minutes Worth in 1972.

It was his first TV sketch series, after several sitcoms with the Beeb. Each scene sees the well-meaning Harry frustrate everyone he comes into contact with, whether it be his neighbours, his doctor or the police.

The series has been released by Revelation Films to mark the 21st anniversary of Worth’s death, priced £19.99.

But to stand a chance of winning one of our six copies, just answer the following question by July 30, when the winners will be chosen at random from all correct answers received. Bulk entries will be disqualified.

Good luck!

From what county did Harry Worth hail?

Your name:

Your email:

Published: 21 Jul 2010

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