Whoops of delight...

Win Whoops Apocalypse on DVD

The black Cold War sitcom Whoops Apocalypse is being released on DVD along with the film spin-off – and we have five copies to give away.

The 1982 ITV series combined parody with slapstick and has been described as ‘Monty Python meets Dr. Strangelove’.

In America, the naïve president Johnny Cyclops is advised by an insane, right-wing fundamentalist; while in the East Soviet Premier Dubienkin puts in rather inconsistent appearances. Among all the political intrigues, the situations head chaotically towards World War Three.

Here is a clip from the series:

Four years later, the sitcom was made into a movie with a largely different plot and a cast that featured such stars as Peter Cook, Rik Mayall, Richard Wilson and Graeme Garden.

All six episodes of the sitcom and the film are included on the new Network DVD, out today priced £19.99.

But to stand a chance of winning one of our copies, just answer the following simple question by 5pm on April 12, when we will select the winners at random from all correct answers received. Good luck!

Who played the British Foreign Secretary in the clip above?

Your name:

Your email:

Published: 28 Mar 2010

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