Edinburgh 2015 advertising on Chortle
Rates and options
Advertising booking are now being taken on Chortle for this year's Edinburgh Fringe.
We are the UK's leading comedy website and last August attracted 190,000 unique users making just under 1 million page impressions.
Every one of our readers is seeking information about comedy, so the perfect audience for your comedy show. And we are the No 1 site for the comedy industry, too – so you'll also be spreading the word to all the decision-makers.
The rates below are
Rate A: For any single week
Rate B: For three weeks. Either build-up: July 20 to August 9; or the bulk of the festival August 10 to 31. It's the same as two single weeks.
Rate C: For the full six weeks: July 20 to August 31. It's the same as three single weeks, and so represents the best value
These rates are the total you'll pay, plus VAT. They will not be discounted, so everyone is on a level playing field, although package deals will be available if you are booking several campaigns for several shows. Alternatively you can share the impressions of a single booking between more than one show.
If you book a slot you will share it with a maximum four other advertisers (but you may well get more exposure than that). You will get the whole space but only on that proportion of pages.
For more information or to place a booking, email steve@chortle.co.uk.
LARGE SQUARE 250x250 pixels on the right hand side of every page
Rate A: £350
Rate B: £700
Rate C: £1050
MAIN BANNER 468x60 pixels across the top centre of the site
Rate A: £300
Rate B: £600
Rate C: £900
EARPIECES 225x60 each side of the main banner at the top of every page
Rate A: £150
Rate B: £300
Rate C: £450
SMALL SQUARE: 125x125 pixels on the right hand side of every page
Rate A: £150
Rate B: £300
Rate C: £450
BARGAIN BASEMENT: Appears in the black panel right at the bottom of every page 225x60
Rate A: £50
Rate B: £100
Rate C: £150
Published: 20 Mar 2015