All our Edinburgh Fringe reviews
207 shows from the 2017 festival
2017 Edinburgh Fringe comedy reviews.
Hannah Gadsby: Nanette *
The Wrestling
Adam Kay: Fingering A Minor On The Piano *
Andrew Maxwell: Showtime
Brennan Reece: Everlong
Glenn Wool: Viva Forever
The Inane Chicanery of a Certain Adam GC Riches
John Kearns: Don't Worry They're Here
Jordan Brookes: Body of Work
Joseph Morpurgo: Hammerhead
Natalie Palamides: LAID
Sean Patton: Number One
Spencer Jones: The Audition
Tom Walker: Bee Boo *
Andrew Doyle: Thought Crimes
Ari Eldjárn: Pardon My Icelandic
Brendon Burns and Craig Quartermaine in Race Off
Chris McGlade: Infant Hercules
Christopher Bliss: Writing Wrongs
The Death Hilarious: The Scum Always Rises
Demi Lardner: Look What You Made Me Do *
Desiree Burch: Unf*ckable
Double Denim
Doug Anthony All Stars: Near Death Experience
Ed Gamble: Mammoth
Fin Taylor: Lefty Tighty Righty Loosey
Gein's Family Gift Shop Volume 3
Good Girl
Graham Dickson is The Narcissist
I See You – Live
Ian Smith: Snowflake
Jarlath Regan: Organ Freeman
John Robins: The Darkness of Robins
Jonny Awsum: Honey I Promised The Kid
Kwame Asante: Open Arms
Late Night Gimp Fight
Laura Davis: Cake In The Rain *
Lauren Pattison: Lady Muck
Lou Conran: I Love Lou C
Mark Forward Wins All the Awards
Matt Forde: A Show Hastily Rewritten in Light of Recent Events – Again!
Michael Legge: Jerk
Paul Sinha: Shout Out to My Ex
Phil Dunning: The House Of Pigs
Phil Wang: Kinabalu
Rachel Fairburn: Her Majesty
Richard Herring: Oh Frig I'm 50
Rob Kemp: The Elvis Dead
Mae Martin: Dope *
Mat Ewins Presents Adventureman 7: The Return of Adventureman
My Dad Wrote A Porno: Live *
Phil Nichol: Your Wrong
Richard Gadd: Monkey See, Monkey Do *
Sara Pascoe: LadsLadsLads
Sarah Kendall: One-Seventeen
Stephen Carlin: The Rise Of The Autistic
Sophie Willan: Branded
Tessa Coates: Primates
Tim Vine: Sunset Milk Idiot
Tom Ballard: Problematic *
Tom Stade: I Swear
Adam Hess: Cactus
Adam Larter: L'Arter Nouveau
Adam Vincent: How Not to Kill Yourself When Living in the Suburbs
The Alasdair Beckett-King Mysteries
Alice Marshall: Blood
Alistair Williams: Food
Ahir Shah: Control
Bec Hill: Out Of Order
Candy Gigi Presents: Becky Rimmer's Bat MItzvah
Carl Donnelly: The Nutter on the Bus
Chris Washington: Dream Big (Within Reason)
Darren Harriott: Defiant
Dave Johns: I. Fillum Star
David Trent: Here's Your Future
Dominic Holland: Eclipsed
Douglas Walker: Zuschauer
Edd Hedges: Wonderland
Elf Lyons: Swan
Flo & Joan: The Kindness of Stranglers
Gareth Waugh: Honestly?
Garrett Millerick: The Devil's Advocate
Gráinne Maguire: Gráinne with a Fada
Ingrid Oliver: Speech!
Jessica Fostekew: The Silence of the Nans
John-Luke Roberts: Look On My Works Ye Mighty And Despair (All In Caps)
The Kagools: Tutti
Kat Bond: Loo Roll
Luke McQueen: The Boy With Tape On His Face
Maria Peters: The Science Of Cringe
Mike Bubbins: Retrosexual Male
Muriel: Bad Master
Ongals: Babbling Comedy
Pat Cahill: The Fisherman
Pete Johansson: Pete Jo-Handsome Comes Alive
Princes Of Mail
Rachel Jackson: Bunny Boiler
Ray Bradshaw: Deaf Comedy Fam
Richard Todd: Monsters
Rob Auton: The Hair Show
Rob Oldham: Brink
Robert White: InstruMENTAL
Rosie Jones: Inspiration
Sara Schaefer: Little White Box
Scott Agnew: Spunk on Our Lady's Face
Sofie Hagen:Dead Baby Frog
Stephen Bailey: Can't Think Straight
Stuart Goldsmith: Like I Mean It
Suzi Ruffell: Keeping It Classy
Tamar Broadbent: Get Ugly
Tom & Ollie in Wasps
Tom Houghton: Class Half Empty
Tom Mayhew: Fragile Fragments
Tom Skelton: Blind Man's Bluff
Tony Law: Absurdity For The Common People
Trygve vs a Baby
Tudur Owen: Normal Wear And Tear
Viggo Venn - The Life of Pepito
Wild Bore
Aditi Mittal: Global Village Idiot
Al Porter in: Campus Maximus
Ali Brice's Never-Ending Pencil
Amy Howerska Goddess... *Unless Tired or Hungry
Andy Barr: Tropic of Admin
The Andy Field Experience
Athena Kugblenu: KMT
Ben Van Der Velde: Sidekick
Bob Slayer: Whatever Next?
Carey Marx: The Afterwife
Charlotte Gittins: Mirror Image
David Huntsberger: Big Nothingness
Ed Night: Anthem for Doomed Youth
Erich McElroy Trumps Trump
Gareth Richards: Idiot Wind
Giants: For An Hour
Hari Sriskantha: Clown Atlas
Harriet Braine: Total Eclipse of the Art
Iain Stirling: U OK Hun? X
Jack Barry: High Treason
James & Jamesy: 2 for Tea
James Adomian: Lacking In Character
Jan Ravens: Difficult Woman
Jayde Adams: Jayded
Juliet Meyers: This Flipping Rescue Dog
Julio Torres: My Favourite Shapes
Kae Kurd: Kurd Your Enthusiasm
Katharine Ferns is in Stitches
Katy Brand: I Could've Been An Astronaut
Ken Cheng: Chinese Comedian
Lewis Schaffer: Unopened Letters From My Mother
Lucy Pearman: Maid of Cabbage
Lucy Porter: Choose Your Battles
Maria Shehata: Wisdomless
Markus Birdman's Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
Matt Winning: Filibuster
Nick Revell vs Lily, Evil Cat Queen of Earth Planet And The Laughing Fridge
Otto & Astrid: Eurosmash! (Die Roten Punkte)
Patrick Turpin: Itty Bitty Little Titty
Phil Ellis Has Been On Ice
Phoebe Walsh: I'll Have What She's Having
Pippa Evans:Joy Provision
Popular Comedian Rob Mulholland
Samantha Pressdee: Back 2 Basics
Sarah Bennetto: All My Life's Mistakes, Catalogued (Volume 1)
Sid Singh: A Singh in the North
Steve Bugeja: Summer Camp
Stuart Black: It's the End of the World
Tiff Stevenson: Bombshell
Terry Alderton: All Crazy Now
Tez Ilyas: Teztify
Tom Neenan: Attenborough
Viv Groskop: Anchorwoman
Zach & Viggo
Aatif Nawaz: The Last Laugh
Adrian Minkowicz: Best Newcomer
Ashley Storrie: Morning Glory
Boris & Sergy's One Man Extravaganza
Caroline Mabey: Quetzals
Dane Baptiste: G.O.D. (Gold. Oil. Drugs)
Daniel Nils Roberts: The Causeway
Dylan Gott: Cool Guy, Lots of Friends
Eleanor Tiernan: People Pleaser
Ellyn Daniels: Emotional Terrorism
Eshaan Akbar: Not For Prophet
Joe Sutherland: Actress, Model
Jonny Pelham: Just Shout Louder
Leo Kearse: I Can Make You Tory
Marny Godden is One Tooth
Matt Ricahrdson: Slash
Peter Brush: A Worm's Guide to Immortality
Robin Ince: Pragmatic Insanity
Sandra Hale - Self Helpless!
Scott Barnett: Quantumly Entangled With A Blobfish
Thünderbards: 4th
Tiernan Douieb: Miserably Happy
Ben Fogg: How I Won Best Newcomer 2017
Frank Carson: If I Didn't Laugh, I'd Cry
Nathan Cassidy: The Man In The Arena
The Naz Show
Patrick Monahan: Rewind Selector 90s
Simon Morley: Naked Ambition
Sumg Roberts: Just Me
The Stevenson Experience: Identical As Anything
Andy Stedman - Parental Guidance
Arna Spek: Museum Piece
Stoph Demetriou - The Dunning-Kruger Effect
James Bone: Townies
Mark Silcox: I Can Cure
WMD Makes Everything Better
Amused Moose National New Comic Award
BBC New Comedy Award final
Chortle Student Comedy Award final
So You Think You're Funny final 2017
* Seen outside of this year's Fringe .
Published: 28 Aug 2017